Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Day 3


mushroom omelette

one avocado, sliced


chicken and sweet potato stuffed peppers

spinach, sauteed in coconut oil

butternut squash


blue cod, baked with lemons, seasoned with salt and pepper

vegetable stir-fry with broccoli, zucchini, mushrooms, onions, cabbage, red cabbage and carrots

Feelings: THE COD WAS HORRIBLE. We're throwing away the entire package of what's left. Other than the cod, everything today was super delicious. The stuffed peppers, made by my sister, were awesome. I'm thinking we might make that meal a staple over the next month as we can prepare  several days worth of it at once. Overall, we're learning a lot and it's only been three days!

Extra notes: I did my first workout (kettlebells) since being on the diet. I found it pretty difficult, not sure if that's attributed to the diet or the fact that I haven't done a solid workout in a month. Tomorrow is day 4 and according to the timeline, I'M GOING TO KILL EVERYTHING... lol. I haven't felt any of the symptoms expected from days 1 through 3 so I suspect I'll be quite stable tomorrow. One can hope for drama though! 

1 comment:

  1. Haven't killed anything or anyone yet .... YET.
    We'll definitely make the stuffed peppers a regular dish as well as the chicken soup I made for today's lunch. Let me know what you think.

    I found this morning's workout a little gruelling and had to take the freight elevator back up from the gym as the stairs might as well have been Everest.
